Below is a quick example of a complete Exyus application that allows authorized users to add, edit, delete HTML documents directly on the web. This was tested using the W3C's Amaya web browser. This browser supports inline-editing and uses PUT w/ Etag support to edit data on the web.
using System; using Exyus.Web; namespace Exyus.Editable { // full read/write via PUT w/ ETags [UriPattern(@"/editable/(?[^/?]*)?(?:\.xcs)(?:[?])?(?:.*)?")] [MediaTypes("text/html")] public class editPages : XmlFileResource { public editPages() { this.ContentType = "text/html"; this.UpdateMediaTypes = new string[] { "text/html" }; this.AllowPost = false; this.AllowCreateOnPut = true; this.DocumentsFolder = "~/documents/editable/"; this.StorageFolder = "~/storage/editable/"; this.XHtmlNodes = new string[] { "//body" }; this.LocalMaxAge = 600; this.ImmediateCacheUriTemplates = new string[] { "/editable/.xcs", "/editable/{docid}.xcs" }; } } }